
   Meytar Zadok, a 31-year-old A multidisciplinary artist, traverses the globe in pursuit of artistic inspiration, delving into diverse realms within the art world. Proficient in sculpture, painting, printmaking, analogy and digital photography, sound editing, video production, and photo manipulation.

Zadok's artistic practice encompasses a multifaceted approach, incorporating sculpting, performance art, video production, photography, sound manipulation, painting, and media editing. Drawing inspiration from history and ancient cultures, Zadok explores their resonance in contemporary and future contexts. Intrigued by the intersection of tradition and innovation, she endeavors to infuse her work with the dynamic interplay between the old and the new.

Driven by a fascination with science, biology, and psychology, Zadok's creative process is rooted in the pursuit of uncovering the physical truth inherent in materials. She meticulously collects and explores a diverse array of materials, tools, books, and information, allowing intuition and rationality to guide her artistic endeavors. Entrusting the outcome to the inherent qualities and serendipitous nature of the materials, Zadok navigates between intuitive spontaneity and calculated precision in her artistic practice.

Employing a rich tapestry of creative techniques, Zadok continuously seeks to reimagine materials and imagery in fresh and exciting ways. Whether working with wood, iron, concrete, industrial paint, or clay, each material offers a unique opportunity for exploration and expression.

For Zadok, the act of creation is not merely a choice but an inherent part of her being—a sweet obligation that she embraces with unwavering commitment and passion. It is through her art that Zadok navigates the complexities of self-expression, identity, and representation, weaving together threads of past, present, and future to create a tapestry of artistic exploration and discovery.

Educational Background:
From 2019 to 2023, Zadok pursued studies at FA.ED.B, focusing on art and education with a specialization in art therapy, hosted by the Kibbutzim Seminary in Tel Aviv, Israel. In 2021 to 2022, Zadok embarked on a transformative student exchange semester at the Academy of Arts in Szczecin, Poland. Zadok's artistic journey began with drawing and painting studies at the Avni Institute for Design and Art Studies in Tel Aviv, Israel, in 2017.

Zadok's artistic endeavors have been showcased in various exhibitions worldwide:
- 2023: "Deciphering Conservation" at Kibbutzim Seminary, Tel Aviv, Israel. 
- 2022: "A Very Cold Winter - Pastrama" Obronkov Gallery, Stalingrad 17, Szczecin, Poland.
- 2021: "I Think I Am the Rising Dawn" at the "Encounters" festival, Tel Aviv, Israel.

In recognition of artistic talent and academic merit, Zadok was awarded the prestigious Erasmus Student Exchange Scholarship for the academic year 2021-2022, facilitating enriching experiences at the Academy of Arts in Szczecin, Poland.


 by- Daniel Hanoch Photographer


"Decoding the conservation"

An installation at Final exhibition
Kibbutzim seminar art studies.




An art exhibit in Poland and Israel showcasing a book, clothes, and accessories



Mix media Paintings

Part of a poster project I participated in ,at the University in Poland.




sculpture made of Veneer strips and spray paint.
part of dual exhibition with the artist Ziv Sternberg, at kibbutz seminar, tel aviv, israel.



Speed of light

Photo series



"Self portrait"

An installation, inspired by my ADHD experience


"Our Choices"

“The invincible woman “, Metal sculpture, part of the installation


"Gender blender"

Mix media


"The cave"

A series of photographs of a sculpture.